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Category: Tickle Lipo

Does Your Neck Give Away Your Age?

Portrait of a turkey from the head up isolated on a white background. Drooping neck tissues and loose neck skin are among the most vivid tell-tale signs of aging. Weight loss, genetics, environmental factors, and the simple passing of time can cause these signs to appear sooner than we’d like. When the skin beneath the chin becomes stretched and loose, it can begin to resemble a turkey’s wattle, and no one wants to have a neck similar to their main Thanksgiving dish.

For patients who would like to eliminate their “turkey neck” before gathering with family and friends for the holidays, Dr. Rodriguez offers liposuction and/or facelift surgery to reverse the signs of aging and improve the contours of the neck.

Tickle Lipo

Tickle Lipo (called Easyshape in Mexico) is a revolutionary, FDA-approved liposuction procedure that can eliminate excess fat deposits that hang down in the neck. Local anesthesia is used rather than general anesthesia, which contributes to the increased safety of this procedure.Side portrait of a beautiful woman with her hand touching her youthful neck Infrasonic technology vibrates the liposuction cannula (small hollow tube) as fat is removed through it, and these vibrations interfere with pain signals and reportedly feel similar to being tickled. Tickle Lipo allows for stubborn fat to be removed from delicate areas such as the neck with special care not to harm the surrounding tissues, which provides for a safer procedure with a faster recovery.


Facelift surgery can address loose skin in the neck as well as signs of aging around the mouth and cheeks. Dr. Rodriguez offers the traditional facelift and the minimally invasive facelift, which differ based on the incision locations and lengths. For both techniques, the underlying muscles of the face are tightened, and excess skin and fat are removed to reveal a more youthful appearance in the face and neck.

Whether you have minimal signs of aging or would like to dramatically rejuvenate your appearance, Dr. Jaime Rodriguez Sierra offers a range of procedures to restore a more youthful appearance with natural-looking results. Please call (888) 478-4690 or fill out our online contact form today for more information. During your initial consultation, Dr. Rodriguez can help determine the best procedure(s) to meet your unique needs.


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